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Children's Ministry Program


7 Resources
book Updated
Children's Ministry in the Way of Jesus
This resource draws from the authors' experience in addition to a range of traditional and...
web resource Updated
Children's Ministry Magazine
This website aims to serve children's ministry leaders, teams, teachers, and parents by...
book Updated
Formational Children's Ministry: Shaping Children Using Story, Ritual, and Relationship
This resource presents a new model for how churches can equip children through faith...
organization Updated
GenOn Ministries
This organization provides a wide range of services and curricula to foster faith...
web resource Updated
Sunday School Center
This website offers Sunday School ideas, helpful advice, and much needed encouragement for...
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Sunday School Made Simple
These weekly video lessons provide nourishment and scripture study at a distance or...
book Updated
Sustainable Children's Ministry: From Last-Minute Scrambling to Long-Term Solutions
This resource provides congregations with the tips and tools to build a children's ministry...


Kelly Minas

Executive Director for Center Evaluation and Funded Programs

Kelly Minas designs and directs evaluation processes for grants, resource consulting, and educational programs at the Center for Congregations. Kelly received an undergraduate degree in American culture from Vassar College, where she was active in interfaith work on campus, and a master’s degree in contemporary sociology from the University of Leicester in England.

Children’s Ministry Programs

If religious leaders want to place the future of the congregation in a good position moving forward, they will likely have to engage with the younger generation, as the younger generation could be the future of the congregation. However, many religious leaders are having a difficult time reaching out to members of the younger generation. Therefore, all religious leaders might need to think carefully about how they can do a better job communicating with children. What do religious leaders need to do, if they would like to help keep everyone involved? Ultimately, there are several key tips that religious leaders should potentially follow if they would like to reach out to members of the younger generation. That is where children's ministry programs can be helpful.

There are many religious leaders who are looking for the best children's ministry curriculum. Ultimately, though, there is no singular “best” option out there. Instead, it can be good for religious leaders to take a look at a few top ideas for children's church services. Then, they can use this information to help put together a preschool children's ministry curriculum.

Designing a curriculum for children can be challenging because religious leaders may need to make sure that the contents are both educational and entertaining. Ultimately, it can be difficult to check both of these boxes at the same time, which is why it can be a good idea for religious leaders to take a look at some of the information that is available online. There are plenty of free resources that are available out there, including those on theCRG, that might be helpful to religious leaders who are looking for a way to build a strong curriculum for children. Remember that there might also be professionals who are in the congregation who might be willing to help out religious leaders. That way, the church will perhaps have an easier time in communicating better with children.

How To Do Children’s Church Online

Right now, there are lots of religious leaders who are wondering how to do children's church online. And while it might be true that moving religious services to the online world can be a challenge, when it comes to children, the barrier can actually prove to be lower. The reality is that many members of the younger generation are often better at using the internet than their parents are. Therefore, religious leaders should perhaps keep this in mind when they are trying to construct a strong online children's church curriculum. Because children regularly use the internet, they should likely not have a hard time keeping up with what is going on. Therefore, religious leaders might be able to feel comfortable with taking the training wheels off, when they are trying to design a strong curriculum for children specifically.

First, religious leaders may have to make sure to encourage children to participate in the session, as children are likely not simply going to sit there and listen. Instead, they are going to get bored, surf the internet, and do something else then, and will thus not be paying attention to the lesson that is unfolding in front of them. With this in mind, it may be a good idea for religious leaders to rotate who is in charge of the session. If each of the children is responsible for a portion of the lesson, then religious leaders will perhaps have an easier time in keeping people focused on what is happening in front of them.

Furthermore, it can be helpful to be sure to collect feedback from the children once the lesson is done. Ask the kids to share what they liked, what they didn't like, and what they would like to see in the future. If kids feel like they are playing an active role in what is being covered in the lesson or service, they are more likely to pay attention, and they will also know that their opinion matters and is valued. It can be a good idea to keep all of this in mind when designing an online curriculum for children.

Children’s Church Ideas for Small Churches

Ultimately, small churches might have to focus on children as well, because they are likely going to make up a disproportionately large portion of the congregation. Fortunately, there are plenty of children's church ideas for small churches out there. When it comes to a children's church curriculum for small churches, there are several directions in which religious leaders can take this.

For example, some religious leaders might like to get kids involved and actively planning in a lesson. It might be helpful to pass around a survey in order to see what the children would like to learn about. Then, it might be possible to design a future service around that specific idea. Again, if children feel like they are playing an active role in what unfolds during the lesson, they are more likely to participate and pay attention. Before deciding on what is always going to be covered, be sure to get the opinion of the children who are going to be listening to the lesson.

If children are attending church in person, it may be helpful to keep them up and active. If children feel like they are physically moving and staying involved, they are more likely to play an active role in the lesson itself. For instance, it might be a good idea to play sports with a religious twist to them. This can represent a great way to get children involved, while still maintaining an educational environment.

It could also be helpful to simply have children go around the room and read an important verse from one of the sacred texts. This can also be a great way to help make sure that children are able to remain involved in lessons. Even though smaller charges may not have the same resources as larger churches, there are still great services that they can run for their children. It might be helpful to take a look at the resources that are available on the CRG. This is one of the best databases when it comes to free resources for religious leaders, including those who are trying to communicate better with children.

Free Children’s Church Lessons and Activities

There are many religious leaders who are looking for ways to get children more involved. On the other hand, religious leaders also do not want to increase their overhead expenses unnecessarily. Fortunately, there are plenty of free children's church lessons and activities available online. When taking a look at a children's ministry curriculum for free, it is possible for religious leaders to think carefully about how they are going to incorporate certain topics in the lesson. With access to a free preschool church curriculum, it is possible for religious leaders to target members of the younger generation, helping to get them more involved in the congregation at an early age. This may be one of the best ways that religious leaders can set the congregation up for success in the future.

Furthermore, there might also be teachers who are in the congregation. It might be helpful to reach out to some of these individuals for their input on how to design a successful curriculum for children. If kids feel like the people in the room care about them, they are more likely to be involved in what is going on. This can be one of the best ways to help develop long-term members of the congregation, which can make a significant difference moving forward.

Free Printable Children’s Church Curriculum

In addition, there are many religious leaders who are looking for a free printable children's church curriculum. When taking a look at a children’s ministry lessons pdf, it will immediately become apparent that there are multiple ways that this can go now. When designing a children's curriculum for religious purposes, it can be a good idea to break the topics up by age. That way, individual members of the congregation will perhaps have an easier time figuring out what is happening. For example, topics that are being discussed by young adults may not need to be discussed by people who are still 4 and 5 years old. Anyone who is designing portions of the church curriculum should perhaps make sure that the information is appropriate for the individual ages of the people in attendance.

Once religious leaders are done writing the curriculum, it might then be helpful to print out a copy for each member of the administration. That way, everyone will be able to have an easier time staying on track. The reality is that there are lots of options out there when it comes to a free church curriculum for children. This is just another reason why it can be a good idea for religious leaders to think carefully about how they are going to design a curriculum to meet the needs of the congregation.

Children’s Church Program Ideas

In the end, there are plenty of children's church program ideas out there. There are even midweek children's ministry programs available. For instance, there are some youth ministry classes that meet during the week. It may be helpful to design a curriculum that has been made specifically for people to attend class during the week. This includes a children's ministry Wednesday night program, which is a common night for children to come to the church to spend time.

Ultimately, religious groups that would like to set themselves up for success in the future may have to make sure that they have a strong children's ministry program. After all, the younger generation is the future of the congregation. And while it may be true that today’s children can be seen to have shorter attention spans than they did before, at the same time, this might simply mean that it is the responsibility of religious leaders to find a way to adapt to meet the needs of the younger generation. After all, that is likely what they are counting on us to do. If religious leaders are having a difficult time figuring out how to design a children's church program, it may be helpful to take a look at some of the resources that are available on the CRG.

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