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Church Finances Best Practices


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Guest Contributor

Kate White

Kate was the associate director for resources at the Center for Congregations. She managed educational resources and worked to get the best resources into the hands of congregations.

Church Finances Best Practices

It is true that most religious organizations are not the same as traditional businesses. At the same time, it can also be important for religious leaders to try and think carefully about their finances. Just because religious organizations tend to be generous does not mean that the people who own the property, the people who provide utilities, and the people who provide equipment are simply going to give all of this away for free. Furthermore, religious leaders may need to make sure they are able to pay members of the staff. Therefore, it can be a good idea to take a look at church finances best practices.

When it comes to church financial management, it can be good to learn more about church financial planning. Healthy church finances can help set an organization up for success in the future, while on the other hand, poor financial planning can also put religious groups in a poor position. Therefore, religious leaders might need to think carefully about how they are going to set their congregations up for success, moving forward. The only way they are likely going to do that is if they think carefully about church finances.

First, religious organizations may want to think carefully about who is going to be responsible for managing the finances of the church. In this situation, it may be helpful to reach out to someone who has financial experience. For example, anyone with a degree in finance or accounting should perhaps be able to manage the finances of a church, particularly those of a small one. Once religious organizations are able to figure out who is going to be responsible for managing the finances of the church, they can perhaps begin to move forward successfully.

Church Finance Policy

It may be helpful to establish a church finance policy that governs, “how should church finances be handled?” Perhaps the very first step in establishing this policy is to think carefully about the ministry budget, as the only way the church is likely going to be able to keep its books balanced is if there is a firm budget in place. Managing a budget can be relatively straightforward. It can be good to take a look at the money that is coming into the church, compare it to somebody that is going out of the church, and make sure that the two numbers are at least equal. If the religious group is spending more money than it is taking in, then it is quickly going to find itself underwater.

This is just another reason why it might be important to put someone with plenty of financial experience in charge of managing the ministry budget. That way, the religious organization does not spend money that it does not have. Even though religious organizations are supposed to be generous, being too generous with money could end up placing members of the congregation in a difficult position. Therefore, every religious group might have to think carefully about how it is going to construct its budget, as this will oftentime play a major role in the success of the religious organization moving forward.

Church Finance Software

Ultimately, there can be a lot to think about, when it comes to running the finances of a church. That is why it may be helpful to use church financial software. There are plenty of church financial management software options out there, and every religious group likely wants to find the best program for meeting its specific needs. At the same time, though, there is no single “best” option out there. Instead, it may prove more important for religious leaders to think about what they need in order to run a successful church, and then find a program that meets those specific expectations. If religious leaders are able to find a strong program that can help them manage their finances, they will be able to help set themselves up for success moving forward.

In addition, a lot of these financial software programs automate tasks that used to be done by hand. Perhaps every religious leader needs to take a second to think carefully about how much time they spend managing finances. Then, they should potentially think about how they would spend this time, if they did not have to spend it going over books every single night. That is exactly correct. This is a software program that can help make a lot of church financial management go more smoothly. By saving time, religious leaders will be able to spend more time with members of the congregation doing what they love.

Stewardship of Church Finances

It can also be important to think carefully about the stewardship of church finances. By taking a closer look at a church treasurer record book, it is possible to figure out what is going on in that specific religious organization. If there is ever a question about how the money is being spent, it should likely be relatively simple to flip back and take a look at the record book. That way, everyone will be able to have an easier time figuring out where the money is going. After all, that is the entire purpose of having a record book in the first place. This is something that religious leaders should perhaps be able to use to keep track of anything and everything that is happening with the money of the organization. It can be critical for everyone to hold themselves accountable, and make sure that money is not disappearing unnecessarily.

So, how can religious leaders make it easier for themselves to manage the finances of the church? This is another area in which having a software program can be helpful. The first thing religious leaders may have to do is take a look at their recurring expenses. Then, they might need to compare this to the amount of money that is coming into the church. That way, they will be able to figure out how the money is being spent, where the money is coming in, and what they need to do in order to help improve the financial management of the religious organization. If people are able to manage the finances of the church correctly, they will likely have an easier time in growing the congregation moving forward.

Understanding Church Finances

There is often a lot that comes with understanding church finances, and perhaps the most important thing religious organizations might have to keep in mind is that they are anonprofit organization. Furthermore, religious organizations are also exempt from paying a lot of taxes. Because they do not have to report where a lot of the money comes from, they might now have a lot more freedom with how they can spend their money. Even religious leaders who have to think carefully about lobbying government officials because they do not pay any taxes will still have a lot of freedom with how they can spend their money.

At the same time, that is exactly why it might be a good idea to maintain strong church financial records, as there is likely not going to be a backup plan, when it comes to the financial records of a church. Therefore, understanding church finances likely has to begin with church finances 101. This is just another reason why it can be important to nominate someone with financial experience to run the finances of the church, which can make it a lot easier for religious leaders to figure out where the money is coming from, and where it is being spent.

Church Financial Management

There can be a lot that goes into church financial management, which is why it might be so important to set up a strong church financial management system. By following all-important church accounting guidelines, it can be much easier for religious leaders to ensure that the money is being spent responsibly. If religious leaders are able to make sure the money is being spent responsibly, they can ensure that they are maximizing the return on every dollar they spend.

Finally, it can also be important for religious leaders to make sure they reach out to trained financial and accounting professionals with any questions or concerns they may have, particularly when it comes to taxes. Even though religious organizations are exempt from a lot of taxes, they are still not necessarily going to be exempt from all of them. Furthermore, religious leaders likely still have to think about spending money on gas, water, electricity, cable, internet, and housing. This includes both rent and mortgage payments. Because there is often a lot that people have to balance, it can be important to place someone in a position of strength by making sure they have the proper experience to take this job on.

Small Church Bookkeeping

In the end, it is likely important to take a closer look at financial policies and procedures for smaller churches, as this can prove to be a key part of small church bookkeeping. In an organization where everyone knows each other, it can be critical to make sure the money is being spent wisely. The reality is that churches are not exactly always known for having a lot of money, and therefore, they may have to make sure that every dollar counts. The only way they can potentially make sure that every dollar is counted is if they pay attention to the church bookkeeping policies and procedures.

For example, every member of the congregation might need to know who they report to, when it comes to their budgets. Some people may be responsible for the small group budget. Other people may be responsible for the religious service budget. There might even be a budget that is reserved for travel trips. Everyone might want to ensure that this money is being spent wisely, to make sure no dollar is wasted. That way, religious leaders can help make sure that they are using their money to grow the congregation. This can be one of the most important parts of setting a congregation up for success in the future.

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