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Is Race The Real Problem?

Racial division is a current topic in many arenas of life. However, Rev. Wallace Butts asks the question "Is race the real issue here?" Matt and Ben talk with Rev. Wallace Butts about the Listen, Learn and Live (L3) Movement in which he lays out a way for people in our society to live more peaceably together.


2 Resources
Faith Online: Nonviolent Communication and Cultivating Empathy
This article articulates positive uses of nonviolent communication in online communication...
How to Have Helpful Conversations About Race in the Church: An Anti-Racism Resource
This 11-page guide offers a process and tools to engage in important conversations regarding...

Guest Contributor

Rev. Wallace Butts

Rev. Wallace Butts is the Lead Pastor and CEO of Love Church Ministries in Fort Wayne, IN. He is also a founder of the L3 Movement, an organization dealing with racial reconciliation and healing.

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