This short podcast episode demonstrates mindful self-compassion with practical breathing...
Manage Stress and Cultivate Resiliency
This webinar provides mental health practices for coping during COVID-19 and racial unrest.
web resource
Ministering for Mental Health
This resource page provides practical tools for congregational leaders to support mental...
Resilient Church Leaders: Clinical Thoughts
This article helps leaders reflect upon personal mental health and professional limits to care...
Your 'Surge Capacity' is Depleted: It's Why You Feel Awful
This article unpacks why self-care and crisis-management skills are insufficient for the...
Louisville Seminary Counseling Center
This counseling center provides a variety of mental health services to adults, families, and...
Guest Contributor
Kate White
Kate was the associate director for resources at the Center for Congregations. She managed educational resources and worked to get the best resources into the hands of congregations.