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Wellness Ministry

Consult these resources to help your congregation discern how it can support the health and wellbeing of its members.


6 Resources
web resource
Health and Wellness
This website, provided by the Union for Reform Judaism, offers helpful information and...
Church Health Reader Archive
The quarterly Church Health Reader recognizes the challenge of maintaining spiritual,...
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
This organization offers free mental health courses, support programs, and resources for...
What does it mean for a ministry to be trauma-informed?
This short article gives an overview of trauma-informed organizations and offers six key...
Prickly Pear Collective
This faith-based, trauma-informed collective works at the intersections of community + church...
web resource
EmPOWERED to Serve
This online platform by the American Heart Association reduces health disparities and supports...


Kelly Minas

Executive Director for Center Evaluation and Funded Programs

Kelly Minas designs and directs evaluation processes for grants, resource consulting, and educational programs at the Center for Congregations. Kelly received an undergraduate degree in American culture from Vassar College, where she was active in interfaith work on campus, and a master’s degree in contemporary sociology from the University of Leicester in England.

Church Wellness Programs

Many people out there might be looking to their religious leaders for advice on health and wellness. There are numerous facets that can be involved regarding health and wellness, including work-life balance, stress management, and relationship management. And because members of the congregation can sometimes turn to religious leaders for help in addressing health and wellness, religious leaders might need to set up church wellness programs that focus on general health topics. With this in mind, religious leaders might then begin looking for resources that can help them to establish church wellness programs.

There are plenty of places religious leaders can look for help to establish an effective wellness program. For example, a lot of religious leaders might start by looking at their religious texts for advice, as there are plenty of passages that focus on relationship management. This can also double as effective stress management. On the other hand, though, because the topics of health and wellness have been a more recent focus, religious leaders may be looking for other resources that can help them in this pursuit. Fortunately, there are plenty of resources that exist online, as well. It may be helpful to read articles that have been written by trained medical professionals and health experts in order to learn more about wellness programs and topics.

Eventually, members of the congregation may find themselves looking for a variety of programs that can focus on specific areas of health and wellness. Larger churches may even have a separate program that focuses on individual health topics. For religious leaders to learn more about these topics, it could prove helpful to attend conferences and conventions that are led by health and wellness experts, as this information could then be combined with other helpful resources, such as those found on theCRG, to help religious leaders create customized health and wellness programs to meet the individual needs of the members of the congregation. Religious leaders who are able to develop health and wellness programs that focus on the individual needs of members of the congregation may be able to further help place their programs in a position to be successful.

Health And Wellness For Effective Ministry

Many religious leaders might be trying to set up health and wellness for effective ministry. In order for these programs to be successful, religious leaders may benefit from having interesting health topics to discuss. When it comes to a congregational health ministry, some religious leaders might be asking, “what is a wellness ministry?” The purpose of a wellness ministry is often to provide health education, advice on preventative healthcare, and raise awareness of certain health and wellness issues, with the goal being to equip members of the congregation, along with those who attend ministry programs, with all the information they need in order to make appropriate decisions regarding the future of their overall health.

The foundation of these ministry programs is often to have strong religious leaders, because these religious leaders may need to draw on experience, educational topics, and inspirational resources to help conduct effective lessons for members of the congregation. When it comes to running an effective health and wellness ministry program, knowledge is power. It can be good to provide ministry members with the knowledge they need to make appropriate health decisions.

Many religious leaders out there may be just trying to set up these programs for the first time, and therefore, may not know exactly what they should do next. In these cases, it can likely be a good idea to turn to a variety of resources, including those that exist online. By integrating health awareness messages with preventive health care tips, engaging activities, and informative sessions, it is possible to join religious principles with health and wellness principles as well. It may be important to note that there are numerous resources available from databases, such as, that may be able to provide religious leaders with ideas regarding how they can work to set up their own health and wellness programs for members of the congregation. Topics to discuss during health and wellness ministry programs can include things like hope, religious beliefs, and relationships with family members and friends.

Church Health Ministry Ideas

Religious leaders may be looking for church health ministry ideas, as faith and health ministries can oftentimes go hand-in-hand. For those who might be wondering, “what is a health ministry?”, this is a program that is designed to help educate members of the congregation about key health and wellness topics. All church health ministry programs should perhaps develop a church health ministry mission statement. That way, everyone working with the ministry can have a better idea of what the goal of the program is.

The foundation of this program, perhaps, is education. Religious leaders might need to decide which topics are going to be discussed in a health ministry program. Smaller churches may only have one health ministry program, and in this case, it may be a good idea to keep the topics broad. For instance, one session may focus on the importance of regular exercise. Another session may focus on meditation. Then, there might be another session that focuses on maintaining a positive work-life balance. Notice that these topics are broad, and can apply to just about everyone who attends the program.

As these ministry programs begin to grow, it may be helpful to segment ministry programs into various specialty areas. For example, there may be one health ministry program that focuses specifically on emotional wellness, whereas another ministry program may want to focus on maintaining physical health through diet and exercise. There might even be another health ministry program that focuses on maintaining the health of children. These are just a few ideas for religious leaders who might be looking for ways to help grow health ministry programs among members of the congregation.

As these programs grow, it may be a good idea for religious leaders to look for people with expert training in the congregation to lead these sessions. Congregations can come in many shapes and forms, so there might be someone there who would volunteer to lead some of these smaller ministry groups. That way, members of the congregation can learn from experts in their own church community.

Church Health Resources

Religious leaders might want to show members of the congregation that they care about their overall health, and that is why church health resources can be helpful. For example, it may be helpful to put together a health ministry toolkit for members of the congregation. This toolkit might contain a variety of resources that could be helpful in certain situations. For instance, some health ministry toolkits might want to include literature that can educate the reader on ways they can take care of their overall health, while other toolkits may have stress relief items in them that could come in handy in certain situations.

Some religious leaders may be wondering what they should include in these toolkits. That is another area where church health resources might be helpful. Religious leaders may want to explore some of the resources that are available on That way, they can take a look at resources that other religious leaders have found helpful. Then, they can begin customizing and tailoring these resources to meet the individual needs of their own congregation. Finally, it might also be helpful for religious leaders to collect feedback from members of the congregation. That way, they can see what the congregation enjoys, what they don't, and how they can work to better meet the needs of the congregation with their resources.

Health Ministry Topics

As the name suggests, it can be helpful to think about health topics at churches when developing a health ministry group. Health ministry topics are key because they can help let members of the congregation know how they can improve their overall health and wellbeing. There are plenty of health talk topics for church to choose from; however, it might be a good idea to start by first polling members of the congregation, as every congregation is different, and every background is different. By reaching out to the congregation for assistance, however, it might be possible to develop a syllabus that can help guide the health ministry group, moving forward.

There are several ideas that religious leaders may want to start with. For example, one of the most common reasons why people will seek the care of a trained medical professional has to do with chronic pain. Therefore, it might be helpful to talk about natural pain control and pain relief methods that can work well with prescription and doctor-managed pain treatment regimens. It could also be helpful to talk about weight management issues, as there are lots of people out there who have struggled for years to control their weight. By discussing various weight loss options with the congregation, though, religious leaders may be able to help members of the congregation lead a healthier life. These are just a couple of the many ideas that people may find helpful, if they are interested in attending a health ministry program.

Church Medical Ministry

Ultimately, ministry groups for religious organizations come in many shapes and forms, and it may be a good idea for all religious leaders to think carefully about how they can work to develop a ministry program that can benefit the health and wellness of the members of the congregation. That is potentially why health and wellness ministry programs have become so popular during the past few years.

It can be challenging to start a church medical ministry. As a result, religious leaders might need to think carefully about how they are going to get the word out, regarding a new ministry program. It might be helpful to reach out to members of the congregation and see if anyone would be interested in volunteering to talk about these health topics.

Do not forget to collect feedback from members of the congregation after a few health ministry sessions. That way, it may be possible to improve, tailor, and customize these health ministry sessions to better meet the needs and expectations of those who attend the sessions. Finally, do not forget that there are also plenty of resources available out there. For example, religious leaders can take a closer look at theCRG for more ministry ideas.

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