
A Theology as Big as the City

InterVarsity Press, IL, 1997


This book offers congregations a perspective on developing an urban ministry through the lens of Ray Bakke, an evangelical minister and professor who began developing an urban ministry in Chicago in the 1960s. Published in 1997, the book explores how Bakke developed his theology of inclusive urban ministry and his worldview. Bakke uses the books of the Christian Bible as a framework to explore his experiences and thinking about urban theology and what this theology can mean to urban congregations.


  • Biblical study with an urban focus
  • Urban theology
  • Church structure, funding, and theology
  • Notes section

Recommended Audience

Rural pastors, urban pastors, youth pastors


Purchase as book, e-book or audio book

Practical Applications

  • Build your urban congregation’s understanding of the history of urban theology by hosting a book study.
  • Connect urban ministry to a Bible study or weekly scripture, such as the Books of Ruth or Paul’s letters to the Corinthians or Philippians, by sharing ideas from a relevant chapter.

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