
African American Church Management Handbook

by Floyd H. Flake, Elaine McCollins Flake, Edwin C. Reed, Judson Press, PA, 2005


This thorough handbook has advice for all aspects of management in the Black Church including theoretical principles, theology and the nuts and bolts of administration.


example constitution and bylaws, strategic plan checklist, employee manual, church budget, event budget

Recommended Audience

African American clergy, seminarians and lay leaders


Purchase as book or e-book

Practical Applications

  • Build knowledge to make leadership decisions around the strategic planning, personnel, finances and legal concerns.
  • Learn leadership skills unique to the Black Church by reading chapters one and four.

About the Contributor

Sandra Herron

Sandra Herron is the founding principal and owner of MiddlEdge, Inc., a management consultancy dedicated to helping congregations align their strategy, people, structure, and processes to achieve their vision. She is an experienced adult educator, trainer and facilitator in academic, community, corporate and ministry settings.

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