
Another Day's Journey: Black Churches Confronting the American Crisis

by Robert M. Franklin, Fortress Press, MN, 1997


This book outlines forms of political-theological orientation in the Black church. Then the author suggests how to mobilize interfaith coalitions that promote "poverty alleviation, racial reconciliation and religious tolerance."


the role of religion in society; theological common ground; interfaith coalitions; forms of political-theological orientation in the Black Church: pragmatic accommodationists, prophetic radicals, redemptive nationalists, grassroots revivalists, and positive-thought materialists (see page 51)

Recommended Audience

Clergy and lay leaders


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Practical Applications

  • Improve your cultural competence by reading this book and asking local African American churches how you can support their efforts.
  • Consider how socioeconomic status shapes the political activism in the Black Church by studying this resource.

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