
Asset-Based Community Development Institute

DePaul University, IL


Asset-Based Community Development Institute (ABCD)’s website shimmers with enthusiasm and dedication to provide tools and information about asset-based practice, while it also considers local assets as the primary building blocks of sustainable community development.


training; research; workbooks and training manuals; strategies for community work; related publications; stories of successful congregations who worked with asset-based tools; access to co-founder John McKnight’s blog

Recommended Audience

Clergy and lay leaders



Practical Applications

  • Experience the effectiveness of the asset-based approach by incorporating it into your own congregation.
  • Learn how to turn threats into opportunities by downloading Institute workbooks and training manuals.

About the Contributor

Katie Lindberg

The retired director of the Northwest Center for Congregations office, Katie Lindberg is a skilled counselor, group facilitator and spiritual director.

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