
Becoming a Multicultural Church

by Laurene Beth Bowers, Wipf and Stock, OR, 2010


This book details how one church went from being a traditional congregation to becoming a larger, multi-cultural church.


leadership, multi-cultural images for God, resistance, redistribution of power, list of significant historical events and holidays for different cultures, 10 commandments for a healthy multi-cultural congregation

Recommended Audience

Clergy and lay leaders


Purchase as book or e-book

Practical Applications

  • Foster a more inclusive environment by applying adopting the commandments for a multi-cultural church.
  • Identify the 10 characteristics of North American Euro-centric congregations in decline and see areas where your congregation can improve.

About the Contributor

Wendy McCormick

Wendy McCormick is the Center for Congregations’ southwest Indiana director. She has an interest in congregational fundraising and stewardship, including planned giving.

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