This 14-page online, downloadable resource provides congregations with a practical guide for how to be prepared for crises and how to respond in case disaster strikes in their community. Published by the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, much of this guide is valuable to many denominations in helping them begin initial discussions. It provides leaders with a helpful tool in times of crisis. The guide prepares congregational leaders with disaster-specific instructions, tips for conversation starters, and ideas for pastoral self-care,
- Reference list of applicable scriptures
- Disaster-specific prayers
- Ideas for appropriate hymns
- Additional resouce list
- Discussion questions
Recommended Audience
Congregational leaders, emergency preparedness teams, safety teams
Practical Applications
- Review this document with your emergency team to stimulate discussion and begin to create an effective response plan for your congregation.
- Utilize the list of "Discussion Questions for Debriefing Your Members" to stimulate conversation among those impacted by disaster, assess their frame of mind, and learn of needed support.