
Discerning God's Will Together: A Spiritual Practice for the Church

by Danny Morris, Charles Olsen, Rowman & Littlefield, MD, 2012


This resource explores the step-by-step process of discernment as a way for congregations to make spiritually-based decisions.


why, who, how, and where of discernment; instructive metaphors

Recommended Audience

Christian clergy and lay leader


Purchase as book or e-book

Practical Applications

  • Consider the value of discernment in a variety of congregational settings by reading this resource together with clergy and leaders.
  • Approach important and difficult conversations with confidence by applying principles of discernment.

About the Contributor

Beth Booram

Beth Booram is the co-founder and director of Fall Creek Abbey, an urban retreat center in Indianapolis dedicated to “renewing the contemplative spirit.” In addition, she is a trained spiritual director and author of several books including When Faith Becomes Sight. Beth worked for five years on contract as a resource consultant with the Center for Congregations. 


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