
Divided by Faith: Evangelical Religion and the Problem of Race in America

by Michael O. Emerson, Christian Smith, Oxford University Press, NY, 2001


This grace-filled book calls White Christians to recognize that well-intentioned actions perpetuate racial divides if leaders aren’ t proactive about bridging the ethnic gap.


racialization and racial division between congregations, insight into evangelical beliefs, history of the evangelical church regarding race, evangelical language

Recommended Audience

congregational leaders interested in racial justice or becoming a multicultural congregation


Purchase as book, e-book or audio book

Practical Applications

  • Learn what creates ethnic divides in congregations by reading about the value systems play.
  • Proactively include people of other ethnicities by first considering how history and congregational culture create division.

About the Contributor

Abby Miller

Director of Northeast

Abby Miller consults with congregations in northeast Indiana. She has experience resource consulting with congregations from her year as a Center intern in 2018. Abby received her undergraduate degree in ministry leadership from International House of Prayer University in Kansas City and her master’s degree in ministry at Indiana Wesleyan University-Wesley Seminary. She enjoys design and creativity in her free time.

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