
Donorbox offers online giving software for churches. It provides convenience, speed, efficiency, security, and transparency through its text-to-give program, electronic donation forms, QR Codes, a donor portal, and the Donorbox Live kiosk.


  • Online Giving Codes
  • Church Management Software
  • Financial Records Online
  • Blogs
  • Training
  • Consultation

Recommended Audience

finance committee, clergy and lay leadership


Varies per service

Practical Applications

  • Join a group 30-minute demo to see how Donorbox works and evaluate whether it would be appropriate for your congregation.
  • Read blogs and articles on this website to determine the best financial practices for your congregation.
  • Access this website and software for creative fundraising methods.

About the Contributor

Dr. Terrance A. Bridges II

Director of the Northwest

Dr. Terrance A. Bridges, Sr. is the director of the Center’s Northwest office in Crown Point and serves congregations in the Northwest portion of the state. He is licensed with subsequent ordination from Pentecostal Churches of the Apostolic Faith International, Inc. An ordained elder, Terrance combines his parish ministry with adjunct professor work for Martin University, WAFIF College of Kingston, Jamaica, Grace College, Horizons Christian University, and guest lecturing at colleges and universities nationwide. His consulting practice includes work in the areas of program development, evaluation, strategic planning and intergenerational ministry.

Terrance has a bachelor’s degree from Taylor University in Upland, a master’s from Ball State University, Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies and Doctoral Studies from Regent University in Virginia Beach, Virginia. His Educational Specialist and Doctorate of Education degrees from Northcentral University. He has served in ministry at Rechurch, Charlotte, The Assembly, Chicago, Kingdom Apostolic Ministries and Eastern Star Church, Indianapolis, and Union Baptist Church, Muncie.

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