
Faith Formation Across the Generations

by Mariette Martineau, Lifelong Faith Publications, CT, 2007


This article describes various aspects of intergenerational learning. Topics include the benefits of learning together, how to host a gathering, and ways to apply it in your congregation.


intergenerational story of a local parish, list of benefits, description of learning process, different learning formats, ideas for intergenerational learning

Recommended Audience

anyone interested in intergenerational gatherings, especially Christia



Practical Applications

  • Choose how to format an intergenerational activity by reading this article and deciding what works in your context.
  • Start intergenerational learning in your congregation by considering the eight suggested ideas.

About the Contributor

Kate White

Kate was the associate director for resources at the Center for Congregations. She managed educational resources and worked to get the best resources into the hands of congregations.

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