
Intentional Ministry in a Not-So-Mega Church: Becoming a Missional Community

by Dennis Bickers, Beacon Hill Press, MO, 2009


This book argues that churches must move from an internal to an external focus, giving congregations the tools to transform into a missional church that is daring in its outreach approach.


reflection questions, differences between maintenance and missional churches, what a missional church looks like, transforming from an internal to external focus

Recommended Audience

Protestant clergy and lay leader


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Practical Applications

  • See if your congregation is categorized as a maintenance or a missional church by reading the differences between the two in section one.
  • Take the first steps towards becoming an externally-focused church by working through the list of decisions in section two that need to be made.

About the Contributor

Janet Hoover

Janet Hoover is a certified spiritual director in private practice and an American Baptist pastor. She graduated from the University of Indianapolis and earned her MDiv and DMin from Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis. 

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