
It's Time to Reimagine the Church Parking Lot

The Christian Century, IL, March 23, 2022


This article urges congregations to reimagine the use of parking lots. G. Travis Norvell, pastor at Judson Memorial Baptist Church, uses his own congregation as an example of change. Norvell invites readers to break free from their preconceived conceptions of parking lots as a one-use surface. The article invites congregations to envision parking lots as outdoor workspaces, free health clinics, art galleries, demonstration gardens, and places for neighbors to have coffee and congregate, all functions that increase attendance and foster community.


  • List of ideas for using parking lots as functional spaces year-round
  • Examples of successful experiments to follow

Recommended Audience

Clergy and lay leaders in churches with parking facilities, facility managers



Practical Applications

  • Brainstorm ideas to transform your congregation’s parking lot into a space that encourages community development.
  • Organize your congregation and neighboring community to consider the examples provided and the needs of both groups and how best to meet those needs through the use of your parking lot or unused space.

About the Contributor

Kelly Minas

Executive Director for Center Evaluation and Funded Programs

Kelly Minas designs and directs evaluation processes for grants, resource consulting, and educational programs at the Center for Congregations. Kelly received an undergraduate degree in American culture from Vassar College, where she was active in interfaith work on campus, and a master’s degree in contemporary sociology from the University of Leicester in England.

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