
Jesus Wept: When Faith & Depression Meet

by Barbara Crafton, Fortress Press, MN, 2019


This resource uses real-life stories to shed light on the harmful assumptions surrounding depression while addressing real life issues like worry, numbness, despair, and relational difficulties.


assumptions about faith and mental illness, coming to terms with a diagnosis of depression, issues related to depression

Recommended Audience

clergy, counselors, and congregant


Purchase as book or e-book

Practical Applications

  • Examine your assumptions about faith and mental illness after reading this resource.
  • Provide comfort to loved ones diagnosed with depression by following the suggestions detailed in this book.

About the Contributor

Carole Wills

Carole Wills is a retired church musician and volunteer for NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness. She was a mental health advocate, educator, community organizer, and affiliate leader at the national, state and local levels. Her NAMI FaithNet work focused on equipping faith communities and faith leaders to welcome, support and include people living with serious mental health conditions.

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