
Like Stepping Into A Canoe: Nimbleness and the Transition into Ministry

by William B. Kincaid, Wipf and Stock, OR, August 3, 2018


This book provides guidance and healthy practices to navigate ministry transitions. Written for graduating seminarians, first-time pastors will especially benefit from its wisdom.


practices to find fulfillment amidst restlessness by cultivating resilience; five practices for ministry transitions: curiosity, clarity, agility, proximity, temerity

Recommended Audience

graduating seminarians and clerg


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Practical Applications

  • Prepare for ministry after seminary by reading this book and learning emotionally healthy practices.
  • Overcome self-doubt by referencing this book and its wisdom during your first pastorate.

About the Contributor

Aaron Spiegel

Aaron is a rabbi, author, and president of the Synagogue Studies Institute. He formerly directed the CRG and information technology at the Center for Congregations.

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