
Maintaining Boundaries in a Digital Age

Lewis Center for Church Leadership, DC, 2017


This online course can help congregational leaders understand or review healthy and ethical online boundaries. Offered by the Lewis Center for Church Leadership at Wesley Theological Seminary, the course focuses on the ways instant digital communication can create challenging situations.

To provide congregational leaders a framework for handling these situations, the three-part course includes sessions on how to maintain appropriate boundaries, the challenges of ministry in a digital age, and how to apply sexual ethics in digital interactions. The course includes reading and video instruction as well as reflection exercises.


  • Self-paced, three-part course
  • About 4-6 hours to complete
  • Opportunity for continuing education credits
  • Individual or group registration
  • Confidential online system

Recommended Audience

clergy, staff, youth ministers, children's ministers, volunteer coordinators


Purchase as book, e-book or audio book

Practical Applications

  • Provide professional development to your congregational leaders by offering the course through group registration.
  • Complete the course to inform the creation or review of your congregation’s policy for digital communications.

Take the online course as an individual clergy, staff person, or leader to enhance your knowledge of boundary-setting in ministry.

About the Contributor

Kara Faris

Executive Director of Programs

Kara Faris is the Center’s executive director of programs. Over her time at the Center, she has also served as the director of resource grants and resource consulting and the education director.

Before working at the Center, Kara served First Friends Meeting of Indianapolis as associate pastor. With a degree in marketing from Butler University’s College of Business Administration and a master of divinity degree from Christian Theological Seminary, Kara brings a blend of pragmatism, intuition and passion for lifelong learning to the Center. Kara has authored Including Laity in Education Events Empowers Congregations and co-authored the book Divergent Church.

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