
Missional Map-Making: Skills for Leading in Times of Transition

by Alan J. Roxburgh, Jossey-Bass, CA, 2010


This resource argues that the old approach to making maps, a strategic planning technique, is no longer applicable to today. Instead, it outlines a new map-making strategy that can be flexible to a more local context.


four-step process for making new maps, why old maps no longer work, what drives change

Recommended Audience

Clergy and lay leaders


Purchase as book or e-book

Practical Applications

  • Establish new maps to start a transitional change by following the four-step process found in the final three chapters of this resource.
  • Stop using old approaches to strategic planning and adapt new techniques that can address today's landscape.

About the Contributor

Jan Goodyear

Jan Goodyear is a retired middle school language arts teacher. She retired after 33 years of teaching and has since educated herself on church transformation and applied that knowledge by consulting with churches on visioning, structure, leadership development, and Christian education. 

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