
Mitigating Attacks on Houses of Worship Security Guide

Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, VA, December 2020


This online resource is a comprehensive security guide that provides a detailed look into creating a holistic approach to security. Developed based on case study research by CISA, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency of the US government, this guide offers congregations an overview of case study examples and what was learned from them, translating them into actionable steps for your congregation.

The guide provides a methodology for congregations to conduct a vulnerability assessment and build community readiness. In addition, it discusses the unique safety concerns of facilities that contain daycares and schools.


  • Available in Chinese and Spanish translations
  • Specific case studies
  • Daycare and School Safety Considerations
  • Cybersecurity overview
  • Infographics and data charts

Recommended Audience

clergy leaders, lay leaders, administrators, safety teams



Practical Applications

  • Review this guide alongside your safety team to begin the dialogue and then hold deeper, practical, action-oriented conversations as an early step toward planning or revising your safety program.
  • Read about perpetrator tactics and methods as derived from CISA research and better understand prior association and behavioral indicators that you may want to be aware of as you prepare to keep your congregation safe.

About the Contributor

Karen Goley

Senior Director of CRG and Resources

Karen Goley serves as the senior director of the Congregational Resource Guide (CRG) and Resources.  Prior to joining the Center, Karen spent over fifteen years in the human resources field, serving nonprofit and financial services organizations in the Indianapolis area and the suburbs of Chicago.

With faith as her foundation, Karen enjoys spending quality time with her family and is a very proud Purdue University alum.  Having earned a bachelor’s degree in Organizational Leadership and Supervision, Karen put her pride on full display by naming the family pup Mackey- after Purdue basketball’s Mackey Arena.  Boiler Up!

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