
Partnering with Pastors and Church Leaders: Closing the Back Door

by Lonnie E. Anderson, LEAJ Ministries, IN, December 26, 2016


This book offers congregations insights that can help them welcome and retain new members. Author Lonnie E. Anderson, Jr., is an experienced head pastor and professor at Grace Theological Seminary. In this book, he shares strategies and practical tips for developing a new member ministry that guides new members into meaningful involvement in a congregation.


  • Foreword by Billy Bell
  • Kindle version only
  • Supports screen readers
  • 194 pages

Recommended Audience

Individuals, study groups, and congregations


Purchase as book, e-book or audio book

Practical Applications

  • Read this book to learn strategies for welcoming and retaining new members in your congregation.
  • Share this book with individuals and groups in your congregation to help your congregation create or develop a new member ministry.

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