
Preaching in the Interim: Transitional Leadership in the Latino/a Church

by Efrain Agosto, Judson Press, PA, October 2018


This collection of sermons by an interim pastor highlights the urban Latino/a experience and shares wisdom for preaching as an interim minister.


Spanish language e-book, eighteen sermons, celebrating Latino/a faith, preaching through the liturgical year

Recommended Audience

interim preachers; preachers seeking Latino/a sermon storie


Purchase as book or e-book

Practical Applications

  • Start your interim ministry by learning from this pastor and his interim sermon series.
  • Utilice la colleci para predicar durante transición del liderazgo.

About the Contributor

Kate White

Kate was the associate director for resources at the Center for Congregations. She managed educational resources and worked to get the best resources into the hands of congregations.

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