
Sanctifying Art: Inviting Conversation Between Artists, Theologians, and the Church

by Deborah Sokolove, Cascade Books, OR, 2013


Written by an artist and seminary professor, this resource bridges the divide between the two worlds of Christianity and art, exploring art's relationship to biblical values.


art concepts, art as a media tool, art's relationship to biblical virtues, art as a vocation, what is defined as good art, art's enhancement of the human experience

Recommended Audience

Christian clergy, artists, and seminarian


Purchase as book or e-book

Practical Applications

  • Evaluate pieces of art and its relationship to biblical virtues by learning art concepts and key principles.
  • Consider the relationship between art and faith by reading this resource with clergy and artists.

About the Contributor

Janet Hoover

Janet Hoover is a certified spiritual director in private practice and an American Baptist pastor. She graduated from the University of Indianapolis and earned her MDiv and DMin from Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis. 

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