Sheepdog Church Security is an organization based in Indianapolis that does training and resourcing for Houses of Worship interested in supporting and bolstering their congregational security. They offer a safety certification program for safety teams and a bundled toolkit that includes customizable training for your specific congregations' needs.
- Training
- Newsletter
- Online workshops
- Certifications
- Downloadable active shooter drill downloads
Recommended Audience
Clergy and lay leaders interested in facility security
Varies per service
Practical Applications
- Purchase the Safety Director Toolkit to provide a comprehensive program for your safety team including interactive, online workshops, a safety drill manual, and a support network that includes weekly Zoom meetings.
- Download the active shooter drill plans to further train your safety team.
- Contact Sheepdog Church Security for an individualized consultation that will assess your current safety challenges and support you by providing strategic insights.
- Listen to a recording of a previous interactive online workshop, or tune into one of the live, weekly sessions.