
Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership: Seeking God in the Crucible of Ministry

by Ruth Haley Barton, Cokesbury Press, TN, 2018


This book helps congregational leaders engage in spiritual practices that help sustain their work. Author Ruth Haley Barton, founder of Transforming Center, writes of loneliness in leadership, spiritual community, authenticity, and God’s will. Barton specifically focuses on the importance of nourishing one’s soul, including a different spiritual practice in each chapter. This book serves as a reminder and a guideline on maintaining a connection with God and prioritizing it in your life.


  • Contemporary illustrations from the life of Moses
  • Guide for six- or twelve-week guided group book study
  • A quick reference that summarizes thirteen suggested spiritual practices covered in the book

Recommended Audience

clergy, pastors, preachers


Purchase as book, e-book or audio book

Practical Applications

  • Practice spiritual suggestions catered to a diverse area of struggles when leading a spiritual life.
  • Use the guided group experience in the back of the book with members of your congregation as a bonding exercise.
  • Pick specific topics as discussion points or sermons for your congregation to strengthen spiritual connection.

About the Contributor

Kara Faris

Executive Director of Programs

Kara Faris is the Center’s executive director of programs. Over her time at the Center, she has also served as the director of resource grants and resource consulting and the education director.

Before working at the Center, Kara served First Friends Meeting of Indianapolis as associate pastor. With a degree in marketing from Butler University’s College of Business Administration and a master of divinity degree from Christian Theological Seminary, Kara brings a blend of pragmatism, intuition and passion for lifelong learning to the Center. Kara has authored Including Laity in Education Events Empowers Congregations and co-authored the book Divergent Church.

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