
Sulam for Strategic Planners

The United Synogogue of Conservative Judaism, DC, 2013


Sulam for Strategic Planners (SSP) is a new program of United Synagogue to strengthen congregations and is designed for Synagogue leaders who are ready to begin planning - or to begin exploring the benefits and challenges of strategic planning. While this program is only open to USCJ-affiliated congregations in good standing, many congregational leaders interested in cultivating strategic thinking and planning in their board cultures will find USCJ’s web-based content informative and useful.


a learning community; readings; webinars; exercises; resources; action community; planning tools; exercises; annotated guides; team-based program

Recommended Audience

Clergy and lay leaders



Practical Applications

  • Further your congregation's mission and vision for the future.
  • Develop strategies to best utilize your congregation's capacities.

About the Contributor

Sandra Herron

Sandra Herron is the founding principal and owner of MiddlEdge, Inc., a management consultancy dedicated to helping congregations align their strategy, people, structure, and processes to achieve their vision. She is an experienced adult educator, trainer and facilitator in academic, community, corporate and ministry settings.

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