In "The Beautiful Community," pastor and theologian Irwyn Ince boldly unpacks the reasons for our divisions while gently guiding us toward our true hope for wholeness and reconciliation. God reveals himself to us in his trinitarian life as the perfection of beauty, and essential to this beauty is his work as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The gospel imperative to pursue the beautiful community unity in diversity across lines of differencerooted in reflecting the beautiful community of our triune God. This book calls us into and provides tools for that pursuit.
- Specific examples from people who have tried to integrate themselves into more homogeneous churches and struggled with real problems of not feeling at home
- Tools and examples for fostering a welcoming community in congregations
Recommended Audience
Clergy and lay leaders
Purchase as book, e-book or audio book
Practical Applications
- Use this book as a practical and theological basis while you develop DEI, community integration, and welcoming community programs within your congregation.
- Carefully consider the biblical and theological imperatives of creating a "beautiful community" within your congregation by reading this book and discussing it with a group of congregational leaders.