
The Cross and the Lynching Tree

by James H. Cone, Orbis Books, NY, 2013


This book draws a line between the central image of western Christianity, the cross, and the symbol of racialized terrorism in the United States, the lynching tree, and asks why we haven’ t connected the two sooner.


historical references to the lynching tree, quotes, book references

Recommended Audience

African American congregations, congregations engaging issues of faith and justice


Purchase as book or e-book

Practical Applications

  • Explore faith and racial justice by sharing and discussing this book in an adult Sunday School class.
  • Learn the history of western Christianity and racism by reading this book.

About the Contributor

Ben Tapper

Ben Tapper is an associate for resource consulting with the Center for Congregations. Ben has a passion for communal healing and restoration. He is also a consultant on CRG Chat and helps with social media.  

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