This book helps congregational leaders understand and apply a human development framework to congregational life that encourages people’s personal and spiritual growth. Drawing on their expertise in counseling and theology, authors Christina Jones and Tim Shapiro believe this framework can help congregations guide people toward meaning and purpose in their lives.
To explain how a congregation can help people grow into the best person they seek to be, the book includes chapters about signs of personal growth, congregational practices, friendship,and creativity. The book also offers congregational activities that support healthy relationships, discernment about vocation, social justice, and more.
- Case studies
- Questions for reflection
- Bibliography
- Index
Recommended Audience
Clergy, Sunday School Teachers, Governing Boards, Small Groups
Purchase as a book or e-book
Practical Applications
- Explore the case studies for ideas to help you apply the framework to your congregation’s specific context.
- Try activities from the book to help your congregation transition from offering volunteer activities to providing activities that promote human development.