
Womanist Midrash

by Wilda C Gafney, Westminster John Knox Press, KY, 2017


This Womanist theological commentary gives voice to the named and unnamed women in the Hebrew Bible.


midrash and theological reflection, women in the Bible, sanctified imagination, grammar and gender issues in biblical Hebrew, and questions

Recommended Audience

clergy who value women of color and new theological interpretations, especially Jewish


Purchase as book, e-book or audio book

Practical Applications

  • Prepare sermons that focus on the women in scripture by referencing this commentary.
  • Connect your faith to equity and justice by studying this with a small group.

About the Contributor

Ben Tapper

Ben Tapper is an associate for resource consulting with the Center for Congregations. Ben has a passion for communal healing and restoration. He is also a consultant on CRG Chat and helps with social media.  

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