
Level Best: How Small and Grassroots Nonprofits Can Tackle Evaluation and Talk Results

by Marcia Festen, Marianne Philbin, Jossey-Bass, CA, 2007


This resource makes it easy for congregations to measure the effectiveness of particular programs or ministries through the use of evaluations, providing sample questions and information on the different types of evaluation.


sample worksheets, planning tools, examples of questions, definitions of different forms of evaluation, methods of collecting information

Recommended Audience

Clergy and lay leaders


Purchase as book or e-book

Practical Applications

  • Determine what information will be most relevant on an evaluation by reading the "Asking the Right Sections" question to design an effective evaluation.
  • Create an evaluation to gather useful information regarding the effectiveness of your ministry by using sample questions and planning tools.

About the Contributor

Wendy McCormick

Wendy McCormick is the Center for Congregations’ southwest Indiana director. She has an interest in congregational fundraising and stewardship, including planned giving.

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