
Souls in Transition: The Religious and Spiritual Lives of Emerging Adults

by Christian Smith, Patricia Snell, Oxford University Press, NY, 2009


This resource draws upon five years of research on emerging adults to help congregations from a variety of traditions understand and minister to this demographic.


cultural impacts on emerging adults; emerging adult perspectives on spirituality, religion, and congregational life; social media; charts; notes; resources; index

Recommended Audience

clergy, lay leaders, and young adult minsitry leader


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Practical Applications

  • Develop new ways to reach young adults in your congregation by learning more about their perspectives on spiritualty, religion, and congregational life.
  • Consider how young adults approach social media, college, dating, and death by looking at the findings of the study.

About the Contributor

Janet Hoover

Janet Hoover is a certified spiritual director in private practice and an American Baptist pastor. She graduated from the University of Indianapolis and earned her MDiv and DMin from Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis. 

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