228 results for Support


Bradley Angle Healing Roots Program
This organization provides culturally specific and responsive services for Black and...
Damien Center
This organization utilizes a one-stop-shop approach to caring for those affected by HIV and...
Kids on the Edge
This article and video produced by an Indianapolis television network explores the rise in...
Finding Our Way Home Retreat for Religious Professionals of Color
Finding Our Way Home is an annual retreat hosted by the UUA for Unitarian Universalist (UU)...
Pastor Serve
This organization offers coaching, crisis support and consulting for the challenges leaders...
Shepherd's Staff
This software helps congregations manage their records for membership, attendance,...
This software can help congregations find and connect with donors. A product of Kindsight,...
Ability Tree
This organization can help congregations evaluate their accessibility to disabled people...
The Honor Summit
This event focuses on supporting and affirming Asian-American women as Christian leaders...
organization Updated
The Catholic Family Life Association
This resource type helps congregations foster a family perspective and advocate for family...
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