334 results for Congregation


The Volunteer Management Toolkit (Church Edition): Resources to Help You Recruit and Retain...
This volunteer toolkit is a step-by-step guide to developing and improving your congregation's...
Shaping Spiritual Leaders: Supervision and Formation in Congregations
This resource re-frames how readers see supervisory relationships within the congregation,...
Living into Community: Cultivating Practices That Sustain Us
This book examines the four practices that shape community experience, and details situations...
Clergy Sexual Misconduct: A Systems Approach to Prevention, Intervention, and Oversight
This comprehensive book offers a systemic approach to clergy and congregation recovery after...
The Church Construction Kit: A Complete Project Guide for Church Building Programs
This practical guide will help your congregation navigate the building process, from the...
Building for Ministry: The Book That Will Save Your Church 1,000's of Dollars
This resource provides an overview of the building process, and covers the importance of...
web resource
Intercultural Ministries
This web resource by the Church of the Brethren provides information to develop a...
Faith Formation in Adulthood
This resource combines theoretical and practical information to cover what a congregation...
Special Touch Ministry, Inc.
This congregation has a wide variety of resources, including retreats, conferences, and...
The Land That Calls Me Home: Connecting God's People to God's Land through God's Church
Based on the author's experience within a rural congregation, this resource explores the...
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