289 results for Guide


book Updated
AI and the Church: A Clear Guide for the Curious and Courageous
In this book, Jason Moore explains how pastors and lay leaders can use AI as a tool to help...
web resource
ESL Ministry: Providing English as a Second Language Classes
This guide assists congregations who are considering whether an ESL ministry is right for...
web resource
The Church Responds: Resources
This web resource helps congregations find resources that can build their capacity to...
web resource
Church Merger Outline
This web resource, by Pastoral Care, Inc., an ecumenical organization dedicated to providing...
Our Help in Ages Past: The Black Church's Ministry Among the Elderly
This thoughtful guide offers tips and tools for congregations ministering to elder...
Our Day to End Poverty: 24 Ways You Can Make a Difference
Written by a long-time justice advocate, this family-friendly guide connects everyday tasks to...
The Relational Judaism Handbook: How to Create a Relational Engagement Campaign to Build and...
This comprehensive guide is grounded in scripture and tradition to help transform...
web resource
White Privilege: Let's Talk - A Resource for Transformational Dialogue
The United Church of Christ offers a free, downloadable curriculum for White faith communities...
Redesigning Worship: Creating Powerful God Experiences
This resource covers a variety of topics related to contemporary worship, including the...
Enough: Discovering Joy through Simplicity and Generosity
This personal finance book addresses generosity and faithful stewardship by beginning with...
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