334 results for Congregation


web resource
Chapter 3: Assessing Community Needs and Resources
This web resource helps answer questions about how to better engage your congregation with the...
Fallen Pastor: Finding Restoration in a Broken World
Written by a former Southern Baptist pastor who was removed from his congregation after...
Sentness: Six Postures of Missional Christians
This book outlines six postures that will spark a shift from consumer Christianity to a...
Plan and Conduct Effective Meetings: 24 Steps to Generate Meaningful Results
This resource will increase the effectiveness of your congregation by providing a guide to...
The Life Cycle and Stages of Congregational Development
This article presents a life cycle model that can help leaders understand their congregation's...
Getting the Help You Deserve
This article shares how congregations can use resources starting with self-awareness and...
Wholeness After Betrayal: Restoring Trust in the Wake of Misconduct
This book will help churches restore inner congregation peace after clergy and lay leader...
Should Our Church Remodel or Relocate?
This article asks 16 questions to help congregations think clearly about their options when it...
Dealing with Neighborhood Transitions in Your Church, Part 2: Congregational Relocation
Part of a four-part series on ministry in changing neighborhoods, this article offers five...
The Proximity Project: Orienting Churches to Serve Neighborhoods Through the Built Environment
This organization assists congregations in discerning and implementing the hospitality...
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