145 results for Video


web resource
The Lift Project
Offered by the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, this is a 10-week multicomponent...
Pentecostal Fire Youth Conference
This annual event enables Pentecostal congregations and individuals, especially youth, to...
web resource
Maintaining Boundaries in a Digital Age
This online course can help congregational leaders understand or review healthy and ethical...
Worship Tools
This software helps congregations plan worship and share graphics and music during...
Church Media Squad
This media service enables congregations to outsource their design needs for branding,...
This software helps congregations organize and automate social media content creation and...
FILO (First In Last Out)
This organization supports staff and volunteers who work on their congregation’s...
web resource
Negotiating the Coming Wave of Church Property Transitions
This video interview can help congregations understand why planning for the future use of...
Churchfront Conference
This event helps congregational leaders develop skills in audio and video production and...
web resource
Ep. 039 | Justin Romine: The Importance Of HR For Churches
Hosted by Scott and Casey with Church Leadership Lab, this podcast video is a conversation...
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