289 results for Guide


Faithful and Fractured: Responding to the Clergy Health Crisis
This book presents the findings of Duke's Clergy Health Initiative, which studied the...
How to Have Helpful Conversations About Race in the Church: An Anti-Racism Resource
This 11-page guide offers a process and tools to engage in important conversations regarding...
5 Reasons People Volunteer
This article discusses five motivations people have for volunteering so that leaders can guide...
Principles for Online Ritual Design
This practical guide helps congregants create their own sacred spaces and rituals from home...
Renovation or New Construction: From Dreams to Planning to Committees
This 12-page guide breaks down the planning and building process into manageable steps.
The Art of Neighboring: Building Genuine Relationships Right Outside Your Door
This compelling book discusses what it might be like if we actually loved our neighbors, as...
The Church Network
This comprehensive administration website compiles vast resources covering
Bounty: Ten Ways to Increase Giving in Your Church
This comprehensive guide will help churches create a fundraising climate centered around faith...
Web-Empowered Ministry: Connecting With People through Websites, Social Media, and More
This comprehensive guide frames the internet as a powerful took to share, teach, and...
Correcting Poor Communication
Written by two consultants on human sexuality issues and abuse prevention in congregations,...
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