60 results for Data


Faith Communities Today (FACT)
This multifaith research coalition shares data and statistics about vital congregational...
web resource
empty tomb, inc.
This organization provides strategies for congregations to raise funds for missions. It shares...
web resource
National Congregations Study
This website for the National Congregations Study provides data and survey results that...
book Updated
Places of Promise: Finding Strength in Your Congregation's Location
Drawing upon data and observations, this resource navigates the relationship between location...
Strategic Planning Session Outlines and PDF Files
This collection guides church leaders through the strategic planning process for their...
7 Church TikTok Strategies for Energizing Your Ministry
This video from ReachRight explores TikTok strategies that can help energize your...
web resource
Mitigating Attacks on Houses of Worship Security Guide
This online resource is a comprehensive security guide that provides a detailed look into...
Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?
This article explores the iGeneration, statistics on the use of smart phones, and how it...
web resource
Stop AAPI Hate
This information hub advances equity, justice, and power by dismantling systemic racism and...
Project on Religion & Urban Culture and Public Teaching Project: Resources
This video project provides data on topics congregations often face in their communities.
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