19 results for Disabilities


The ADA Companion Guide: Understanding Accessibility Guidelines and Architectural Barriers
This resource specializes in understanding the American with Disabilities and Architectural...
Amazing Gifts: Stories of Faith, Disability, and Inclusion
These personal stories offer perspective for leaders to make their congregations accessible...
PURE Ministries
This organization provides conferences and speakers for congregations to learn about the...
web resource
Hearing Loop Technology
This webpage provides information about Hearing Loops, which allow hard of hearing individuals...
Special Touch Ministry, Inc.
This congregation has a wide variety of resources, including retreats, conferences, and...
Synagogue Inclusion Inventory & Focus Group Guidelines
This 11-page document gives leaders a process to assess their facility and conduct group...
Text Messages: Torah Commentary for Teens
This resource invites teens to consider the larger texts of the Torah so that they may find...
web resource
The Summit Wellness Group's Top 61 BIPOC Addiction and Mental Health Resources
This web resource helps congregations connect BIPOC individuals with culturally relevant...
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