36 results for Evangelism


The Rise of the Nones: Understanding and Reaching the Religiously Unaffiliated
This book seeks to understand and to reach the religiously unaffiliated, relying on scripture...
The Future Church: How Ten Trends Are Revolutionizing the Catholic Church
This resource looks at current trends in the Catholic church, suggests directions for its...
Smart Compassion: How to Stop "Doing Outreach" and Start Making Change
This guide offers congregations a relationship-rich model for community ministry that can...
New Wine, New Wineskins: How African American Congregations Can Reach New Generations
This resource notes the historic role of the African American church and challenges...
A Church on the Move: 52 Ways to Get Mission and Mercy in Motion
This book shares ways to renew Roman Catholic parishes, ranging from paying college students...
Outreach Magazine
Outreach Magazine is a by-monthly, non-denominational magazine for Christian churches that...
"Nones" on the Rise
This research report on the religiously unaffiliated offers a measured view of what's changed,...
web resource
What "story" does the condition of your facility tell?
This blog post argues that congregations should pay attention to building cleanliness and...
web resource
Catholics Come Home
This website provides resources for parishes or diocesan groups concerned with outreach to...
Sentness: Six Postures of Missional Christians
This book outlines six postures that will spark a shift from consumer Christianity to a...
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