34 results for Loss


Leadership and Grief: A Conversation for Pastors
This webinar provides models of grief and lament, coping mechanisms, leadership on trauma...
Good Grief
This resource serves as a guide through the stages of grief, whether from large or small...
web resource
Taking on the "Perfect Storm": Faith-based Organizations and Partnerships Address COVID-19...
This 60 minute recording of a panel of faith-based leaders addresses the importance of and...
How To Talk With Sick, Dying and Grieving People: When there are No Magic Words to Say
This resource provides insights and stories to help pastoral caregivers and clergy walk wisely...
Strategic Leadership for a Change: Facing Our Losses, Finding Our Future
This book offers insight into change, and empowers leaders to guide their congregations...
How People of Color Can Experience Grief Differently Than White People
This online article describes the fact that marginalized communities are affected by loss...
Our Heaven Baby
This children’ s book with beautiful illustrations can help kids grieve and dream about...
web resource
African American Infertility and the Church's Response
This article looks at how to address child loss in Black families through healing conversation...
web resource
Still Standing Magazine
This online community provides resources for those grieving child loss and infertility.
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
This organization provides information and support for suicide prevention, advocacy, and...
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