37 results for Rural


Village Missions
This organization helps rural Christian congregations in the United States and Canada that...
web resource
Purdue Extension Farm Stress Team: Tools for Today's Farmers Podcasts
Curated by the Purdue Extension Farm Stress Team, this website lists links to...
Our Help in Ages Past: The Black Church's Ministry Among the Elderly
This thoughtful guide offers tips and tools for congregations ministering to elder...
Places of Promise: Finding Strength in Your Congregation's Location
Drawing upon data and observations, this resource navigates the relationship between location...
How to Talk with Farmers Under Stress
This article acknowledges the stressful nature of the farming occupation and provides...
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration: Faith-Based and Community Initiatives
This organization connects federal grant programs and initiatives to national, state, and...
Bivocational and Small Church Leadership Network
This organization is a non-profit ministry organization offering support, development, and...
Does a Congregation's Location Influence Its Effectiveness?
This article argues that congregations can be successful regardless of their location,...
Part-Time is Plenty: Thriving without Full-Time Clergy
This book explores how to run effective ministries with lay leaders and a half- or...
American Community Gardening Association
This organization provides online resources and in-person services for food and gardening,...
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