31 results for Serve


web resource
Hunger Free America
Hosted by Hunger Free America, a nonpartisan group working to end hunger, this online...
How Your Church Can Respond and Minister During a Natural Disaster
This article reminds congregations how they can effectively minister to their communities...
Hord Architects
This architecture firm helps congregations with renovations or construction that reflect...
Bruce Bugbee's Right4 Ministries
Bruce Bugbee and his organization, Right4Ministries, believe in the power of effective and...
Gone for Good? Negotiating the Coming Wave of Church Property Transition
This book of essays can help congregations that are exploring a significant change in how...
Homiletics: Moves and Structures
This book guides congregational leaders in the art of preaching through a step-by-step...
Clergy Coaching Network
This organization helps congregational leaders develop their leadership skills through...
web resource
Collaborative On Faith And Disabilities
A collaborative website with many resources collected by the Institute of Theology and...
How to Engage Young Adults in Church Media and Tech Teams
This article, by the team at Church Tech today, discusses the rewards and challenges of...
But I Don't See You as Asian: Curating Conversations about Race
Written by a third generation Chinese-Filipino and experienced leader of multi-cultural...
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