44 results for Youtube


web resource Updated
The Lift Project
This web resource offers evidence-based well-being education that congregations can share...
person person
Craig Groeschel
This speaker and author provides congregational leaders with insights into leadership, team...
Rooted Pastors
This organization offers congregational leaders free mentorship and pastoral care. Led by a...
web resource
AI and the Ethics of Preaching
In this podcast, recorded and published on YouTube, Ed Stetzer and guest Dr. Scott Rae...
This organization helps congregational leaders build and maintain engaging websites...
web resource
How Technology Has Transformed Detroit's Black Churches: Adapting Post-Pandemic
This 20-minute video can give congregational leaders perspectives on how congregations are...
web resource
Negotiating the Coming Wave of Church Property Transitions
This video interview can help congregations understand why planning for the future use of...
Serving in Asian American Youth Ministry: An Interview with Pastor Danny Kwon
This video can help congregational leaders looking to build stronger relationships with...
web resource
Erasing Shame
This podcast helps congregational leaders understand and explore mental health topics with...
World Methodist Evangelism
World Methodist Evangelism is an organization that specializes in resource consulting and...
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