289 results for Guide


Strategic Leadership for a Change: Facing Our Losses, Finding Our Future
This book offers insight into change, and empowers leaders to guide their congregations...
The Choice: The Christ-Centered Pursuit of Kingdom Outcomes
This resource proposes ways to grow and develop in ministry that are shaped by the gospel and...
The Skilled Facilitator: A Comprehensive Resource for Consultants, Facilitators, Managers,...
This comprehensive guide looks at the theory and practice of facilitating conversations as a...
Why Church Buildings Matter: The Story of Your Space
This concise resource about congregation buildings will help guide conversations on how to...
To Serve This Present Age: Social Justice Ministries in the Black Church
This practical guide for the Black Church provides a model for social justice ministries. The...
A Resource for the Closing of Congregations
This resource provides a theological and practical guide to closing a congregation.
web resource
Theology Crawl
This online guide can be used to facilitate difficult conversations about faith and life.
Care for Creation
This 10-minute presentation focuses on key words of the Genesis 2 and 3 stories that...
Sexual Assault Response Teams: Coordinating Our Response to Sexual Assault (SART)
This online guide outlines the roles of Sexual Assault Response Teams (SART) so congregations...
PURE Ministries
This organization provides conferences and speakers for congregations to learn about the...
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