334 results for Congregation


Redefining HR: Transforming People Teams to Drive Business Performance
This book can help congregational leaders understand modern human resources (HR)...
5 Words Media
This organization helps congregations throughout the United States design or upgrade their...
The Coming Revolution in Church Economics: Why Tithes and Offerings Are No Longer Enough, and...
This book can help congregational leaders identify new ways to finance their...
FILO (First In Last Out)
This organization supports staff and volunteers who work on their congregation’s...
web resource
FaithLands Toolkit: A Guide to Transformative Land Use
This online guide explains how congregations can prioritize land and spiritual justice by...
It's Time to Reimagine the Church Parking Lot
This article urges congregations to reimagine the use of parking lots. G. Travis Norvell,...
web resource
Help! I'm Starting a Parking Lot from Scratch!
This blog post provides a list of obstacles to look out for and suggestions to keep in mind...
web resource
Reframe Curriculum
This website offers curriculum options for Christian youth ministry leaders who seek...
10 Tips for Maintaining Historic Churches and Chapels
This article helps congregations who own an older or historic worship space maintain and...
Gone for Good? Negotiating the Coming Wave of Church Property Transition
This book of essays can help congregations that are exploring a significant change in how...
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