289 results for Guide


web resource
Death & Mourning
Based in the Jewish Reform tradition, this website provides information and tools to grieve,...
Better Bylaws: Creating Effective Rules for Your Nonprofit Board
This comprehensive guide outlines how to create bylaws and is easily adaptable for...
Cause for Change: The Why and How of Nonprofit Millennial Engagement
This research-based guide dives into how to strategically engage Millennials as constituents,...
Everyone's Called to Youth Ministry…They Just Don't Know it Yet
This resource offers practical suggestions to engage volunteers for youth ministry.
Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High
This guide can be useful for everyone within the congregation, ranging from clergy to...
Doing Justice: Congregations and Community Organizing
This book explores community organizing at the congregational level, providing theological...
God's EPIC Adventure: Changing Our Culture by the Story We Live and Tell
This book provides a thoughtful and thorough guide to the narrative thread that connects...
Leadership That Fits Your Church: What Kind of Pastor for What Kind of Congregation
This e-book explores the challenges of pastoral leadership and provides clarity surrounding...
Kingdom Calling: Vocational Stewardship for the Common Good
This book pushes the theological conversation about calling and work to a new level, focusing...
Preaching in the Purple Zone: Ministry in the Red-Blue Divide
This book equips clergy to skillfully preach and facilitate congregational dialogue about...
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